
First public version dumped, likely some bugs ahead!

Traffic classification

This project tackles the fine-grained classification of Internet applications from encrypted traffic, by leveraging lightweight traffic properties, such as the size and direction of the first few packets of a flow. The project contains a training part (i.e., building models) as well as an inference part (i.e., making use of trained models), itself split into a algorithmic and system components.

Inference / Algorithmic

While classification of known traffic is a well investigated subject with supervised classification tools (such as ML and DL models) are known to provide satisfactory performance, detection of unknown (or zero-day) traffic is more challenging and typically handled by unsupervised techniques (such as clustering algorithms).

Our techniques:

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Inference / System

In cooperation with the Net5.0/Measurement team, we have designed and implemented a prototype architecture for Fast In-network Analytics called FENXI [SEC-21]. The system introduces error-correcting approximate caching [PCT/EP2021/050902] and optimally leverages Ascend310 TPUs acceleration, by dynamically adapting the batch size to the traffic conditions, and to minimize query latency while maximizing processing throughput at the same time. With respect to operational points optimized for batch-processing such as GPU-based systems, FENXI is naturally fit for a bursty processing tied to traffic arrival process [SIGCOMM-20].

Overall, FENXI allows off-the-shelf hardware to perform advanced data-plane Deep Learning analytics at:

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Model inference is possible only after a proper training phase: we have devised techniques for distributedly training classification models [IJCAIFL-20], [PCT/EP2020/061440], without the need for sharing training data, that are able to cope on multi-modal, skewed and even disjoint data distribution at clients. Additionally, we are working on incrementally training models, as soon as zero-day applications are discovered [TECHREP-21d].

Our techniques:

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