this page has archaeological (but no longer scientific) interest
Download the latest version of ‘'’wowSim’’’ (v0.75), an event driven C simulator for Vehicular Area Networks (VANETs) implementing 802.11-like medium access protocol and a realistic description of vehicular dynamics (based on Cellular Automata and Coupled Maps) and several other features.
wow-0.75 (ICC'08 flavor) usage: wow [general opt] [traffic opt] [channel opt] [algorithm opt] where: ----[general options]--------------------------------------- -D: debug flag - a debug file (\"debug.out\") is created in the directory "debug" -?: help - the available options are displayed -T: test mode (use all defaults values, useful to sneak SEGV) -f: force to overwrite existing files -O: use output "dir" rather than default one -C: quit after "num" cycles by default, simulation terminates when networking performance converges; however, to study traffic dynamic, a lower cycles number may be sufficient ----[traffic model options]--------------------------------------- -t: traffic model {0:Poisson, 1:NaSch, 2:NaSch-(muSTEP), 3:Gipps(*),4:Gipps-(muSTEP), 4:VDR, 6:VDR-(muSTEP), 7:Tsquare, 8:Tsquare-(muSTEP), 9:Fukui, 10:Fukui-(muSTEP), 11:TOCA} -R: [realistic models] vehicles'density [vehs/km] -l: [Poisson] vehicles'arrival rate -v: [Poisson] speed pdf {unif|cost|exp} -n: [Poisson] new cars arrival period after the accident(min) -s: [Poisson] time between consecutive broadcast cycles (min) ----[channel model options]--------------------------------------- -c: channel model {0:ErrorFree, 1:Bernoulli, 2:Transitional, 3:Gilbert} -x: parameter "x" meaning depend from the channel_model: CHANNEL_BERNOULLI: parameter "x" = loss probability CHANNEL_TRANSITIONAL: parameter "x" = channel.transition ----[algorithmic options]----------------------------------------- -a: algorithm (none|optimum|pflood|d2flood|help|hybrid|d3flood) -r: vehicles transmission range (m) -P: [pflood] flooding probability -k: [d2flood] k power -2: [d2flood] d2flood rule number -h: [d3flood] h power -3: [d2flood] d3flood rule number -B: [help] Average Beacon Transmission Interval (sec) -e: [help] "epsilon" fixed error margin (m) -E: [help] rule number for adaptive margin -y: parameter "y" meaning depend from the algorithmic context: ALGO HYBRID: hybridation type (see help.c) -H: [hybrid] Hybridity degree in [0,1], with 0="help use -y to tune behavior (see help.c) note: at least one arg should be specified; for all the others, their default value will be selected IMPORTANT: directory debug must exist (even in non-debug mode) otherwise SEGV will be raised