
At Huawei, we keep organizing a weekly seminar on several topics. If you're interested to give a talk, let me know. The list of seminars is not publicly available though, so the present page lists all seminars organized over the years at Telecom ParisTech and LINCS up to 2018, before joining Huawei.

Year 20182017201620152014201320122011201020092008

2018 8

2017 54

2016 47

2015 52

2014 51

2013 53

2012 55

2011 37

2010 40

2009 15

2008 3


FYI. Migrating from my old PmWiki page was really a pain. Jekyll complained a lot about UTF-8 whatever messages. I had to debug through "iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 _bibliography/faultybib.bib" and then manually inspect bibtex files with "yudit". (I ended up having to remove most french, german and other funny accents). The next pass is to make sure that the scholar lexer does not get confused by broken entries (my previous PmWiki parser was less elegant but definitively less picky). Every bibfile contains 50 talks and I have 10 years worth of talks... The net results is that the conversion process did not ameliorate the quality of the abstracts, sorry!


Unfortunately the DSI migration to an LXC based solution (with no root access!) completely broke the seminar system. My whole poor-man system was built over BibTex/Web and Cron. Unfortunately the LXC PHP version conflicts with PmWiki and my previous system, so I migrated to Jekyll. Unfortuantely Jekyll scholar is very fragile and picky, so that typos, UTF-8 characters etc. made migration a mess! Unfortunately the LXC does not support anything (cron, svn, git) and does not allow any outbound connections. As such, as a bonus, the migration also broke the automated email annouce :( Despite the amount of effort I put into it so far, I haven't been able to find a fix. Having run this service for 10 years now, I am happy to let it run by any volounteer from now on -- please raise your hand!